I think the people learning about anything is because there is a interest in the topic, in this case about environment, for this there are many organizations that promote environmental stewardship and "green peace", where the people can approach.
I have no habits for caring for the environment, but I would like have them, for example I would like arrive in bike to University and I go anyplace in this transport. A habit I do usually is walk, for example if I can walk since subway “Universidad de Chile” until subway “Station Central” I do.
Other habit or I have done to reduce my carbon footprint is don't smoke, first because the cigars is dangerous to health and second because pollute the environment.
I've never joined environmental organizations because I feel that this is not my topic, I think that I have to do is work this topic with the children although for this I have to be committed to the topic.
I think that missing in our society is more conscience about the consequence of “environment misuse” because the people think that “Nature” is for we used indiscriminate form. But any peoples had create idea for the tourist know this city and the idea about visit different places they using the bikes, of this the tourist known our city means of a healthy transport.
Well classmates this is last post in English 4
This experience went good, and I hope see you in other moment.